After these 8 weeks, you're able to...

In this 8-week Business Accelerator you'll get access to a library of videos, weekly Q&A calls, Plug & Play templates and Slack support. You'll have every tool to set up your business in your custom way. Online or service-based.

Make more $$$ and work less.

Aniek Gerrits

Astrid is a wonderful right hand who makes my business excel and grow every month. She and her team support me with all the things I don't enjoy doing. I love outsourcing all that to Astrid and her amazing team. I think everyone needs and should have an Astrid in her life!

Adelina van Gurp

Working with Astrid allows me to focus more on the things I enjoy within my business. I finally get to pick up new things I want to do. I experience more ease because I know I don't have to do everything myself, and I don't have to invent everything myself. Working with her is actually a gift to yourself!